Tag Archives: knockers-soaped

Spartacus: Gods of the Arena Praises Olympus With T&A

What was Lucy Lawless ‘s character on Spartacus like before she became a manipulative Real Housewife of Ancient Rome? Did she always enjoy measuring the swords of her gladiators and having her naked knockers soaped up by equally naked and nubile female slaves? Did she still like to get topless? All these questions and more were answered this past weekend in first episode of the Starz prequel Spartacus: Gods of the Arena . The new series precedes the action of Blood and Sand , which means it will give us a chance to see lots more of Lucy Lawless, whose character died at the end of the last season. In the first episode, we got to see Lucy’s knockers as she bangs her husband, then again in an opium-fueled Sapphic skinterlude with naked Jaime Murray . And as a bone-us, Marisa Ramirez shows both boobs and butt having slave sex with her husband in a jail cell. Lucy discussed the pros of tracing her character’s descent down the path of naked debauchery in a recent interview: “From an acting point of view [it’s] such a rare privilege to go back and revisit the characters before they became sex-craved schemers. When they were full of hope, innocence and potential. You watch them degrade themselves through bad choices. It’s fascinating.” Fascinating with a capital “ass.”

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Spartacus: Gods of the Arena Praises Olympus With T&A