Tag Archives: know-the-actor

Courteney Cox: Stepping Out with Brian Van Holt

On Cougar Town , Brian Van Holt portrays Bobby Cobb, the ex-husband of Courteney Cox’s Jules. In an allegation that wreaks of irony, though, Star Magazine reports the actress may be jeopardizing her marriage to David Arquette by stepping out with her co-star. The pair has been spotted out together four times in less than four weeks, according to the tabloid, as a witness spotted Cox and Van Holt enjoying dinner at Malibu’s Coral Beach Cantina on May 7. “They were drinking beer and having chips and salsa in the back of the outdoor patio,” said the onlooker. “They looked like they were holding hands at the side of their table!” Cox and Arquette have been married for 10 years. They have a five-year old daughter and a seemingly stable relationship. We know the actor makes horrible movies and all, but that seems like a misguided reason to cheat on him. Hopefully, lame pun fully intended, Cox and and Van Holt are nothing more than… wait for it… friends.

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Courteney Cox: Stepping Out with Brian Van Holt