Tag Archives: know-the-dung

Lupita Nyong’o for Vogue of the Day

I can’t figure out if this is fashion erotica, or fashion racism, or if this has nothing to do with her straight from Africa, but no the Africa you racists are thinking, you know the dung shanty, AIDS ridden africa you send money to an adopted child, that really goes to a scamming Christian group…she’s more the top tier Africa with mansions and good living, I mean how the hell else does she become an Oscar winner…some fucking foster parent program? Naw dude, she’s rich. Just cuz she played a slave doesn’t mean she is one, in fact, I have a feeling she may own a few back home…. I guess what it comes down to is that nothing says Africa like an exercise ball..

The rest is here:
Lupita Nyong’o for Vogue of the Day