Tag Archives: kre

The Regulatory Revolving Door

Ira Stoll submits: In the post about Paulson & Co.’s $32 billion in assets under management we mentioned that one benefit of being that big is that you get invited to meetings like the one the FDIC held last week . Representing Paulson & Co. at the meeting, according to a participants list , was a senior vice president, Allen Puwalski, whose “Linked In” resume reports that he was chief of bank analysis at the FDIC from 2003 to 2005. Other participants included John L. Douglas, a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell. Mr. Douglas, who was general counsel of the FDIC from 1987 to 1989, lately has been “counseling Citigroup with respect to FDIC matters,” according to his law firm’s Web site . Complete Story

Why I Don’t Like the ‘Saving the World Forever’ Approach to Financial Reform

Rortybomb submits: Paul Krugman writes about the current financial reform efforts, and uses a great metaphor for regulatory regimes. Greek armies were specialized and fought better when they had great leaders, while Roman armies were more generic but robust to poor leadership. “And in the end, since mediocre leaders are the norm, the Roman way prevailed.” Heh. Complete Story