Tag Archives: larger-numbers

Frankenbombers: Al Qaeda hatches plot to implant explosives into suicide bombers

Al-Qaeda jihadists researching ways to evade airport security and murder “larger numbers of unbelievers and apostates” The moment that one of these bombs goes off on an airplane, the futility of the TSA's new scan-and-grope procedures will be abundantly clear even to the thickest of the learned analysts. But will there then be a shift toward a more intelligent security policy? Probably not. “'Frankenbombers': Al Qaeda hatches plot to implant explosives into suicide bombers,” by James White for the Daily Mail, December 6: Al-Qaeda fanatics may be planning a horrific 'Frankenbomber' suicide attack by implanting explosives into a human body. Defence analysts logged conversations between users of a online forum in which Muslim extremists debate terrorism methods which could beat new US aviation security checks. The alarming posts included one by a user who claimed to be a surgeon, promising a 'new kind of terrorism'. It called on bomb makers and doctors to create the perfect solution to murder 'larger numbers of unbelievers and apostates.' The post said: 'What is your opinion about surgeries through which I can implant the bomb… inside the operative's body? 'I am waiting for the interaction of the experienced brothers to connect the two sciences together and produce a new kind of terrorism, Allah willing.'… added by: crystalman