Tag Archives: learn-the-real

Katie Holmes is a Strung-Out, Drugged-Up Mess, Tabloid Claims

Pity Katie Holmes. She’s been trying to leave Tom Cruise for, like, almost as long as they’ve been a thing. She just can’t quit that crazy Scientologist . What gives?! Drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. At least if you take Star’s word for it … and how CAN’T you!? Look at the photo of her below! What a MESS!!!! Gotta be strung out, right? It couldn’t just be a shot of her looking tired at the airport without makeup or something like that … no way. None. ADDICTION NIGHTMARE : Now we know why she stays. It all makes sense . Is this meant to imply that Tom actually drugs Katie into submission, or is he just her hookup for the really high-grade heroin and cocaine she loves? Guess we’ll have to pick up a copy at the grocery store to learn the real details. NOTE: We will not be buying this or any Star issue in any way, shape or form.

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Katie Holmes is a Strung-Out, Drugged-Up Mess, Tabloid Claims