Tag Archives: left-the-tusk

Epitome Of A Bad Grandson: NYC Man Says He Stabbed His Grandma To Death With An Elephant Tusk Because She Was Doing Voodoo On Him

Hide ya grandma! Hide the elephant tusk! R.I.P. to another grandmother who has lost her life to a grandchild gone nuts. Via NYPost reports : Dominick Anderson grabbed the weapon after he became convinced his grandmother had put a voodoo curse on him, he allegedly told cops after the Dec. 19 murder in his family’s apartment. “I killed my grandmother with a cream-colored elephant tusk, and I did it because she was trying to have me killed,” Anderson, 26, said of the attack, which left the tusk in pieces, the grandmother, Beverly Holmes, 62, dead and Anderson’s sister injured. “She started doing some voodoo s–t, and that’s when it triggered me off.” Anderson also allegedly turned the tusk on cops, who were treated for scratches and bumps. He has been charged with first-degree murder, kidnapping and assault. “There are clearly mental- health aspects in play,” said Anderson’s court-appointed lawyer, Sam Roberts. Anderson pleaded not guilty in Manhattan Supreme Court and is being held without bail. His next court date is March 27. SMH. This is so sad. R.I.P. to that poor lady. Shutterstock

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Epitome Of A Bad Grandson: NYC Man Says He Stabbed His Grandma To Death With An Elephant Tusk Because She Was Doing Voodoo On Him