As many feared after her hospitalization just eight weeks into her pregnancy, Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans reportedly suffered a miscarriage early Friday. “Jenelle lost the baby this morning,” a friend of hers tells celeb gossip site Radar Online , and her Twitter, while not saying so explicitly, certainly suggests as much. The 21-year-old has has a tumultuous two weeks, to say the least. Since announcing she was pregnant, she’s accused her husband of cheating, said she’s getting a divorce, filed assault charges against him, and been hospitalized. “She’s sad and upset, but she’ll make it through,” the friend said. Following Courtland Rogers ‘ wild night out boozing Sunday – which he admits (he denies cheating or assaulting her) the couple’s 51-day marriage imploded. The MTV star’s friend said she hasn’t spoken to her estranged husband at all today and so he hasn’t been told about Jenelle Evans ‘ miscarriage yet. If he reads Twitter, however, he’ll get a sense of what’s going on: Reading between the lines, and given the stress she’s been under over the past five or six days, it seems like Radar ‘s report is probably legitimate. We wish it wouldn’t be, but that’s the impression we get. For those unfamiliar, the man referenced in several of her recent Tweets is Gary Head, who was engaged to Jenelle last year before she married Rogers. He denies they’re physically involved – as Rogers has already implied – but he’s clearly back in her life, for better or worse. She’s pretty open about that. Here’s wishing her the best in this difficult time.
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Jenelle Evans Miscarriage: Teen Mom 2 Star Loses Baby, Report Claims