MUSIC BUZZ : Mr. Belding of Saved by the Bell was snubbed by the People Magazine Reunion, but he won't be held back. He's releasing a Karaoke CD/DVD on 9/1
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Mr. Belding’s CD
MUSIC BUZZ : Mr. Belding of Saved by the Bell was snubbed by the People Magazine Reunion, but he won't be held back. He's releasing a Karaoke CD/DVD on 9/1
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Mr. Belding’s CD
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged bell, Buzz, finally-reunited, flavorwire, francisco, leprechauns, official, People Magazine, reunion, saved, wednesday
Here's a turtle with just a very cool attitude about life, in case your Wednesday is flagging a bit and you need a pick-me-up. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged best-local, francisco, Hollywood, kwanten, kwanten-on-imdb, latest, leprechauns, links, very-cool, wednesday, whistle-tips
Leprechauns, whistle tips, and cardboard bears. Here are the 15 best local news investigations ever. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged best-local, francisco, kwanten, kwanten-on-imdb, latest, leprechauns, links, whistle-tips