Tag Archives: lest-the-kids

WHOA: Florida Teenager Looks Exactly Like Frozen’s Elsa

Sorry, readers, when it comes to Frozen… we just can’t let it go. We thought  Arnold Schwarzenegger’s rendition of the hit song from this movie would turn us off to it forever… but then we met Anna Faith (online) and were blown away by her uncanny resemblance to Elsa. And this 18-year old Florida resident is totally embracing her look-alike status, posing for photos with pretend Olafs in various department stores and even attending child birthday parties in the role. Can you blame her? Let’s just hope no one makes Anna angry during these appearances, lest the kids be hit with a dangerously unexpected chill. Click through pictures of Faith looking like Elsa and then check out some artists who have sang Let It Go : 18-Year Old Looks JUST Like Elsa 1. Elsa Lookalike Whoa! Anna Faith, an 18-year old from Florida, looks just like this beloved Frozen character.

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WHOA: Florida Teenager Looks Exactly Like Frozen’s Elsa