Snooki is the kind of trash I normally can’t fucking stand…bitches who are all loud and annoying who act like they are hot shit when they are really just fucking disgusting trash, like seriously fucking disgusting, like borderline crackwhore in the gutter trash, where everything about them, including the tits they always have popping out of their shirts make me want to throw up, even though I generally love tits. Snooki just doesn’t annoying me, maybe because I don’t watch the show, or maybe because she’s like a cartoon version of the cunts I hate. She’s just riding the fame game thanks to the 15 minutes that have made her fucking life that she probably already thought was fucking awesome to begin with….All I know is that you can book the bitch for 10,000 dollars and I can only assume that comes with blowjobs….and blowjobs are always fun… Pics via Fame
See the article here:
Snooki from Jersey Shore is a Serious Ditch Pig with Tits of the Day