Tag Archives: lion-character

Ben Stiller talks about risks in comedy and animation — Hollywood.TV


Hollywood.TV is your source for all the latest celebrity news, gossip and videos of your favorite stars! bit.ly – Click to Subscribe! Facebook.com – Become a Fan! Twitter.com – Follow Us! Ben Stiller works the red carpet for the New York City premiere of Dreamwork’s ‘Madagascar 3’, complete with a genuine Disney lion character in full costume! Ben seems to be amused by it all, hamming it up with the lion character for cameras before having a word with us. The actor shares that animation is akin to comedy in a certain “looseless” must be adopted to get at good material; some things will work, and others won’t but the participants must be flexible. Hollywood.TV is the global leader in capturing celebrity breaking news as it happens. We cover all the major Hollywood events including The Golden Globes, The Oscars, The Screen Actors Guild Awards, The Grammy’s, The Emmy’s and the American Music Awards, as well as all the red carpet movie premiers in Los Angeles and New York. HTV is on the streets 24/7, at all the industry events and invited by the stars to cover their every move in Hollywood, New York and Miami. Hollywood.TV is currently the third most viewed reporter channel on www.youtube.com YouTube with almost 400 million views, and our footage is seen worldwide! Tune in daily for all the latest Hollywood news on www.hollywood.tv and http like us on Facebook!

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Ben Stiller talks about risks in comedy and animation — Hollywood.TV

Chris Rock not sneaky enough at ‘Madagascar 3’ premiere — HOLLYWOOD.TV


Hollywood.TV is your source for celebrity gossip, news, and videos of your favorite stars! bit.ly – Click to Subscribe! Facebook.com – Become a Fan! Twitter.com – Follow Us! Chris Rock makes a handsome appearance on the red carpet for Dreamworks’ ‘Madagascar 3’ movie premiere at the Ziegfeld Theater in New York City…but he’s acting a bit funny. We caught Chris trying to slyly sneak by the cameras on the way inside and got a few words from him before he slipped away again. Rock enjoys the animation genre, saying that he feels he has more range to ‘overact’ with the cartoonish characters he’s breathing to life. Hollywood.TV is the global leader in capturing celebrity breaking news as it happens. Launched in 2008, we capture all the latest news, exclusive celebrity interviews, star videos and hot celebrity gossip from around the world every minute of everyday. HTV is on the streets 24/7, at all the industry events and invited by the stars to cover their every move in Hollywood, New York and Miami. Hollywood.TV is currently the third most viewed reporter channel on www.youtube.com YouTube with almost 400 million views, and our footage is seen worldwide! Tune in daily for all the latest Hollywood news on www.hollywood.tv and http like us on Facebook!

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Chris Rock not sneaky enough at ‘Madagascar 3’ premiere — HOLLYWOOD.TV