Tag Archives: looks-flawless

Kate Upton’s TIts in a Crop Top of the Day

I guess chubby Kate Upton has been working out, because she’s far less offensively fat as she’s been the last few years, maybe she took some of that ridiculous money she’s made being overrated because of her tits, to hire a fucking trainer at 100 dollars an hour…or maybe she just hired a stylist who knows how to dress her..or maybe she took the cyberbullying to heart and got some lipposuction because cyberbullying works…and when the world calls you fat and overrated…eventually the clueless producers and casting agents get wind of it and figure at your level of talent….they can find other tits to fill the bra that is your purpose in the movie.. I am not a fan of her big old back, I never really found her hot…not at busty 18…not now..but people fucking love her…so check out this waist to hip ratio…far less boxy as it once was… Remember when looking at her tits in her nudes that got hacked from her boyfriend’s phone got some poor fucker arrested and sent to jail….they’re definitely not that good, but if you look close enough, they have hard nipples in this pic. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kate Upton’s TIts in a Crop Top of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Upton’s TIts in a Crop Top of the Day