Tag Archives: lose-the-memory

#BlackAIDSDay: How You Can Live With HIV With No Shame

Source: Aryah Lester / Aryah Lester This post originally appeared on  A Girl Like Me , a blog for women and girls on  The Well Project , and is part of collaboration with HelloBeautiful for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day . “I still have a dream,” said Martin Luther King, “it is deeply rooted in the American Dream.” Earlier in history, Henry David Thoreau was quoted as saying: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you’ve imagined!” Dreams that are tied to a confident, better you, tied to career goals and an impact in society, are of the few remnants of our innocent and wondrous childhood fantasies. However, in reality, many of us see career goals bringing personal happiness as fictional as wishing on stars. Discrimination, HIV stigma and social statuses seem to plant us in mud, with a generous percentage of people just achieving enough to manage the next breath. There are times that hope shines through the dense polluted clouds of realism, and we find ourselves thinking that by chance a rare opportunity is afforded to our lives.  An unforeseen position, promotion or opportunity teases us with the goals of fantasy coming into the waking light and telling our stories in all facets of public health. If only for a moment, the thought of living our ‘lottery of life’ enters the mind and holds root within the desert of desperation. The dream continues to be just that: an occurrence within our minds that never quite translates into our reality. Hope can be manufactured into dreams coming true, outside the realm of “princesses castles’ and ‘heroes destined to change the world.” My own foray into the world of HIV advocacy and activism for an underserved and vulnerable population has so far seen many of my dreams come true, while at the same time having no visibly viable resources to speak of to many in my community. I now find myself to be the Deputy Executive Director of the Transgender Strategy Center , devoted to the needs of my community, in an area where, historically, there has never existed anything like what we created. It had only previously existed in my dreams. Here are the main ten steps that could assist you with achieving the same for yourself. Simplify your life. Don’t hesitate for opportunities within your ability. Join HIV committees/boards. Volunteer. Network socially. Network online. Network. Make relationships with organizations with a similar mission. Form a coalition. Find volunteers/pro-bono contractors. Search for sponsors to conferences and trainings. Realize realistic time factors. Whatever you do, just don’t give up. The Well Project is a non-profit organization whose mission is to change the course of the   HIV /AIDS pandemic through a unique and comprehensive focus on women and girls. Visit their website,  www.thewellproject.org , to access fact sheets (English and Spanish),   blogs , and advocacy tools, and to join a global community of women living with   HIV . RELATED NEWS: What This Young Mother Living With HIV Wants You To Know #BlackAIDSDay: When It Comes To HIV, I Will Be Shameless [ione_media_gallery src=”https://hellobeautiful.com” id=”2914701″ overlay=”true”]

Originally posted here:
#BlackAIDSDay: How You Can Live With HIV With No Shame

#BlackAIDSDay: When It Comes To HIV, I Will Be Shameless

Source: Ciarra / Courtesy Ciarra This post originally appeared on  A Girl Like Me , a blog for women and girls on  The Well Project , and is part of collaboration with HelloBeautiful for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day . I have made a few mistakes in my life. Who am I kidding? I have made MANY mistakes in my life. And I ain’t even been alive that long. Some of those mistakes, I can effortlessly push underneath that figurative rug somewhere and pray I lose the memory. That way, no one else knows about the mistake. I can just act as though it never happened. And keep it moving. But then you have those others. You know, those other mistakes, which are a little more difficult to conceal. They loud. They make themselves known. There ain’t no running or no hiding from these type. Contracting HIV is one of those mistakes for me. This one I can’t escape. Sure, I could have kept the secret to myself. But in order to live healthy and well, I would have had to address it at some point. It wasn’t noooo hiding, shoving, or pushing this one, nowhere. I call it a mistake because I knew I should have used a condom. But I didn’t. I call it a mistake because people had attempted to guide me to safer choices. But I opted to do my own thing. And as a result, I contracted this virus. I contracted this dumb, stupid, ugly virus. If only I had done this or that, I would not be HIV positive today. For other people it may look like: … if only I had studied for that test, I would have passed that class. … if only I had ordered a rideshare that night, I would not have to serve the sentence attached to a DUI. … if only I had used a condom, I might not have contracted chlamydia. Look. I am not ashamed of my HIV positive status because, we have all made mistakes. They may not all look the same, but a mistake is a mistake is a mistake. Right? We all have done something that we wish that we could take back. The HIV mistake makes itself known daily. The reminder comes in the form of a once-a-day pill that I struggle to swallow. Other people may still be able to push their biggest mistakes to the back of their mind. I can’t. I gotta face mine. I’m tryna live and sh*t. Anyways, I’m sure that if we could go back and avoid making these mistakes, we would. And to me, that sounds like growth. So I must ask, what is there to be ashamed of in growth? The Well Project is a non-profit organization whose mission is to change the course of the   HIV /AIDS pandemic through a unique and comprehensive focus on women and girls. Visit their website,  www.thewellproject.org , to access fact sheets (English and Spanish),   blogs , and advocacy tools, and to join a global community of women living with   HIV . RELATED NEWS: What This Young Mother Living With HIV Wants You To Know #BlackAIDSDay: How You Can Live With HIV With No Shame [ione_media_gallery src=”https://hellobeautiful.com” id=”2914701″ overlay=”true”]

See the original post here:
#BlackAIDSDay: When It Comes To HIV, I Will Be Shameless