Cardi Bhas shared a lot with her fans on social media, from her naked post-baby body six weeks after giving birth to a video that made fans think Offset was fingering her . Now, Cardi is setting a different tone with her very first photo of her baby, Kulture. This pic is too precious for words, folks. Cardi B is a new mom, but she’s been playing it safe, avoiding plastering her precious baby’s face all over social media before the amniotic fluid is even cleaned off. She’s still shared photos, but she’s been avoiding letting fans see baby Kulture directly. A stroller is not a baby photo, folks. Over Labor Day Weekend, however, Cardi changed her tune a little, sharing a picture of her baby. Cardi captioned the photo: “I needed a girl like you.” Here is the picture. Obviously, Cardi is still avoiding showing Kulture’s face. A lot of celebrity parents make this choice to protect the privacy of their children. Some consider it futile or even an insult to fans, but others applaud the decision. The parents chose to be celebrities — their children did not. Kulture is literally still a baby. But this photo that Cardi shared on Sunday shows something more important than her baby’s face — it shows the developing love and bond between daughter and 25-year-old mother. Kulture’s hands are so little compared to her mother’s — and Cardi is a small woman. It really drives home how tiny Kulture is. Right now, Cardi is her whole world. In the wee hours of Sunday morning, Cardi also gave fans a glimpse of her breastfeeding Kulture — but, again, she did not give fans a real look at her baby. “No sleep after the studio unless Kulture say soo,” Cardi captioned the post. The new mom is much less reserved about showing off her own body — before, during, and after her pregnancy. That makes sense, because it’s her body. She can strip down into lingerie or less if she wants. Unfortunately, though Cardi loves her career and her baby and her husband, Offset, not everything is perfect. Last week, it came out that Cardi allegedly ordered a Cardi-beatdown of two women , one of whom she has reportedly spent months accusing of having banged Offset. The two women are bartenders at a strip club. They are also sisters. One of the women was allegedly assaulted earlier last month by people she identified as associates of Cardi’s. Then, last week, she and her sister were allegedly attacked by members of Cardi’s entourage, who were said to have thrown seats and bottles at the sisters. The matter was reportedly taken to the police, so we of course hope that justice will be done. No one should be physically assaulted. Not with fists and elbows, and not with bottles and chairs. If there really was an attack, perhaps the strip club has security footage as evidence to identify the culprits — who could share why they did it. Hopefully, it was not on Cardi’s orders. And, as some pointed out, if Cardi thinks that Offset has been banging other beauties, she should really take that up with him, not with women she doesn’t really know. View Slideshow: Celebrity Baby Photos: So Adorable!
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Cardi B Shares First Photo of Baby Kulture on Instagram!