Tag Archives: love-geology

More Fluff… In Weekly Address Obama Lectures GOP to “Stop the Insults” – Still Has No Plan (Video)


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As Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) said yesterday, “I never believed the president negotiated in good faith. If he was really serious about this, Martha, he would have been at the negotiating table six months ago. He would have presented a … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 23/07/2011 15:00 Number of articles : 2

More Fluff… In Weekly Address Obama Lectures GOP to “Stop the Insults” – Still Has No Plan (Video)

Time lapse: Journey through canyons


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I love astronomy (duh), I love geology, and I love meteorology, so if you combine all three in a high-definition time lapse video , well, I’ll love it: Very pretty! It’s by someone who goes by the name Metron, who also has a pretty cool video of lava flowing from Kilauea . I like watching the stars move in sweeping arcs in these videos. So that’s why at about three minutes in, when the video shows… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Bad Astronomy Discovery Date : 23/07/2011 15:14 Number of articles : 2

Time lapse: Journey through canyons