Tag Archives: love-passionate

Janelle Monae Tells VIBE Vixen “I Have Lived By Not Making Myself A Slave To Anybody’s Interpretations Of Who I Am”

We love this chick! As she prepares to drop her highly anticipated fourth studio album, Electric Lady, 27-year-old Janelle Monae is featured on dual covers of VIBE Vixen this month. In the cover story, she opens up about her personal style, sexuality, and recent self-revelation. Some highlights are below. For the full story and photos, check out vibevixen.com : On Love: “An android is my preference—two androids and a cyborg. I’m someone who sees your spirit and soul. I love passionate androids; one that knows exactly what it’s going to do in life. I love smart androids, idealists, leaders, but good followers. Androids that are compassionate, honest, can make me laugh, knows how to handle an Electric Lady and supports an Electric Lady’s dreams, and wings when it’s time to fly.” Wait… She lost us there. 2 Androids and a Cyborg? Is that like a polyamorous situation or something? Janelle we need you to esplain!!! Hit the flip for more photos and excerpts.

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Janelle Monae Tells VIBE Vixen “I Have Lived By Not Making Myself A Slave To Anybody’s Interpretations Of Who I Am”