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Oh Hell Naw: This Apple Glitch Is Making Folks Think Thrice About FaceTime

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Source: Andrew Burton / Getty Imagine that you’re going on about your day and the one person you don’t want to speak to is trying to call you. You let their call decline, so they FaceTime you . You try to let the FT decline itself, then all of a sudden you hear, “hello?” That’s right. There’s an Apple bug that lets you listen in on people you call, even when they don’t pick up the phone. And it’s a real bug, too. All you have to do is place a video call to someone from your iPhone using Apple’s FaceTime app. Then before they pick up, use the menu option to add somebody else to the call and, and add yourself to the call. Now you can answer for yourself on FaceTime even if they don’t answer #Apple explain this.. pic.twitter.com/gr8llRKZxJ — Benji Mobb (@BmManski) January 28, 2019 Apple users are freaking out, because this isn’t just a little glitch. It’s a big deal, and it gets a little worse. According to The Verge , if the person you’re calling tries to end it by tapping the power button on their phone, it sends video but no audio. That means the person calling you can see a video of you or your surroundings as if you’d answered the call. Apparently this only happens when trying to use Facetime group feature, so the company has deactivated Group FaceTime to prevent people from exploiting the bug before it releases a fix. An Apple spokesperson told CNBC , “We’re aware of this issue and we have identified a fix that will be released in a software update later this week.” The bug has folks big bugging and paranoid about FT’ing people now. Wale tweeted, “I never liked FaceTime… jus text me an I’ll see u when I see you Slim”. I never liked FaceTime… jus text me an I’ll see u when I see you Slim — Wale (@Wale) January 29, 2019 Another Apple user pointed out, “So are you telling me that my friends will hear me talk about how much I hate them and how their calls annoy me before I answer and be a fake bitch.” Pretty much sis. Luckily Apple has opted to fix the issue before it got way out of hand. As Brizz Rodsteen pointed out, “Imagine doing that FaceTime trick on ya queen cuz she won’t answer and you hear her getting them cheeks clapped. Boy that shit is VERY unsafe.” @TrvpCharlie made a good point too, “Good thing the #facetime bug is only for audio. Imagine ignoring someone’s FT and they text you “woooooow, you just gonna watch me call you with your crooked ass wig?!” Ironically, lots of communication issues could arise in relationships thanks to the bug. Apple, let’s get it right.

Oh Hell Naw: This Apple Glitch Is Making Folks Think Thrice About FaceTime