Tag Archives: made-it-maybe

Worst Free Throw Ever: Brian Okam Airball Defies Comprehension

In today’s sports media world, words like “greatest,” “legendary,” “epic,” or “all-time” are overused to say the least. This clip may be an appropriate cause for superlatives, however. When Appalachian State center Brian Okam stepped to the free throw line Saturday against Western Carolina, he put worth what was easily the worst attempt in history: Worst Free Throw Ever Words really can’t describe the greatness of that video. The free throw line is 15 feet from the plane of the backboard in NCAA play. Okam’s shot made it maybe five. Perhaps the ball slipped out of his hand? Or he was distracted by something? Amazingly, he was not asked about it after the game, but the Western Carolina TV analyst calling the game summed it up best: “I’m not sure what that was. Good lord.” SIDE NOTE: WCU won 70-64, adding injury to insult for Brian.

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Worst Free Throw Ever: Brian Okam Airball Defies Comprehension