Tag Archives: made-yesterday

Chris Hayes, MSNBC Commentator, Questions "Hero" Designation for Military Members

Chris Hayes, a political commentator on MSNBC, has created quite a stir – on Memorial Day of all days – for remarks he made yesterday in regard to the designation of military personnel as “heroes.” The journalist said he feels “uncomfortable” throwing that word about because it is “so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war.” In other words: How can we refer to someone as heroic if we disagree with the cause for which he or she died? It certainly seems like an odd way to make a point about war. Surely we can differentiate between policy and the troops carrying out that policy in the name of a country they love, can’t we? Watch the clip and form your own opinion. Chris Hayes Asks: Are Military Men Heroes? Should Chris Hayes apologize for these comments?

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Chris Hayes, MSNBC Commentator, Questions "Hero" Designation for Military Members

Chloe Sevigny’s Bikini Pics Are Getting Better

I hate to say it, but today I’m actually posting these pictures of Chloe Sevigny in her bikini because she looks kinda hot. She’s made me eat the comments I made yesterday about her not being sexy in the slightest. Good for her, she really does look pretty sexy, more women should get back at my nasty remarks by showing up looking in a little swimsuit with their breasts hanging out. It sure beats a kick in the nut sack.