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Exclusive: Logan Browning Links With Khloe Thompson To Give Back To L.A.’s Homeless

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Source: Maggie Tadros / Maggie Tadros In these times, it is more important than ever that we make time to look out for one another. Every day, we should be looking for ways to give back to the community and with the frigid weather as of late, it’s critical that we make sure every human being has the food, blankets and basics that they need. For this reason, organizations like DoSomething.org are great resources. DoSomething.org helps every day people find different ways they can give back to their communities. They can go to the website and choose campaigns that are near and dear to them. Through DoSomething.org, thousands of people have banded together to donate cards to military service members, pick up cigarette butts around their local community and distribute sanitary products to homeless girls and women. Logan Browning, star of the hit Netflix original series Dear White People , is the latest celebrity to connect with DoSomething to give back to the community. Source: Maggie Tadros / Maggie Tadros Logan teamed up with 11-year-old philanthropy extraordinaire Khloe Thompson of Khloe Kares to stuff custom bags with socks, underwear, toiletries,  and sanitary items for Los Angeles’ homeless community. Khloe started her non-profit organization, Khloe Kares , when she was 9 years old and since then she’s done a ton for her community. Source: Maggie Tadros / Maggie Tadros “I’ve been able to travel to so many places I never would have been able to without Khloe Kares,” says Khloe. “I’ve been to Ghana twice now and I’ve installed two water pumps and a bathroom facility there. I’ve held leadership workshops with kids. I taught them how to do a vision board and I was one of the first Americans to speak to a school, I’ve done a lot.” Most recently, Khloe was recognized for raising $60,000 for Chicago’s homeless to help them during the extremely cold climate. Khloe is also known for her Kare Bags, customized totes that she designs and sews herself and fills with necessities to pass along to those in need.  On Sunday, January 27, Logan and Khloe put together Kare Bags to distribute to women at the LA Mission. Source: Maggie Tadros / Maggie Tadros Dozens of bags were filled and included deodorant, hand sanitizer, socks, t-shirts, toothbrushes, soap, and sanitary napkins. When asked why it was important for her to join this campaign, Logan said, “The city of Los Angeles currently has 50,000 people who are experiencing homelessness, which is an insane number. I think that a lot of people don’t realize that the people who are currently experiencing this are people who weren’t always in that situation. So, there begins to be that disconnect in humanity. I personally wanted to be here because one of the special things about what Khloe is doing is that she’s not just making bags to hand to people, she’s giving her joy, her humanity and her life and she makes people feel seen, which gives them hope.” Source: Maggie Tadros / Maggie Tadros To find out how you can get involved in your community the way Logan and Khloe have, visit DoSomething.org and select a campaign today.

Exclusive: Logan Browning Links With Khloe Thompson To Give Back To L.A.’s Homeless