Tag Archives: mainstream-kids

Julianne Hough for the Paparazzi of the Day

Julianne Hough is a Mormon gone bad…she was raised in a Mormon community where there was no sex before marriage, no drinking, no caffeine, no smoking, no swear words, no R-rated movies….but moved to Hollywood and became a half naked chick people jerk off to. Not only people like you who watch Dancing With the Stars for the boners, but people like Ryan Seacrest, who I know from people I know who have had sex with him, is a tyrant, ass fucking, sleazy fuck who loves cocaine…and I can’t get sued for saying it because it is true…MY sources, girls he has fucked have told me…he even tried to buy one of them bigger tits, and I guess he did buy Sara Underwood tits….crazy And if you were Ryan Seacrest, you’d probably be a sexual deviant drug addict to..but this isn’t about Seacrest, it’s about Julianne Hough hanging out in that world publicly with a dirty guy, who does dirty things, to dirty sugar baby type girls who think they’ve won the lottery and there’s no way he didn’t do those things to her… ALSO…I know religious chicks gone bad – and they go real bad…because the religion fucked them up so hard…SO….that should give some perspective while looking at her cameltoe… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Julianne Hough for the Paparazzi of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Julianne Hough for the Paparazzi of the Day

Bella Thorne Trans Raver Weirdness of the Day

Bella Thorne is some mainstream raver chick, who is so Disney about all things, and who is into her raver music, like all these other LA rich kids without a real clue, doing things so contrived and not actually crazy but very LA….because MDMA feels good on a broken soul…and rich kids are prime target for broken souls… She’s consistently in a bra, or half naked, dancing to shitty commercial EDM….or starting in music videos for these people that make the music her crackhead brain loves so much ….because I guess the DJs all lame and cashing in on a trend are into getting anything with a lot of followers to get half naked in their videos but more importantly to reach the mainstream kids who buy songs on their mom’s iTunes account…it’s the only way to make 100 million a year as a DJ you know… So milk the disney kid who gets half naked all the time – as hard as you can until she pretty much breaks… EROTIC really…but I am into her finding anything to fill the emptiness that is her soul…from Penis….to her half naked….put it on your instagram story girl.. The post Bella Thorne Trans Raver Weirdness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Thorne Trans Raver Weirdness of the Day