I try not to old bitch shame Heidi Klum – because she’s an old bitch – and it’s hard to not outline that basic fact, or that she’s got a banged out pussy, thanks to SEAL and her big pile of children…. We live in an era of whiners with this “inclusivity” anti-bullying, everyone is good, we all get the gold medal in a contest, we are all equals, don’t culturally appropriate, we can make babies with other races, we can be fat, but not skinny, topless and slutty because it is empowering, but not in wet t-shirt contests….so Heidi Klum should not be bullied for her age, mainly because she looks amazing… There’s no way she wasn’t created in one of Hitler’s human genetically modification lab to make the super human, if this isn’t German engineering I would be surprised….so you probably shouldn’t fuck with her, or she’ll gas Chamber you…. Because ultimately, she looks amazing in a bikini… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Heidi Klum’s Old Mom Ass in a Bikini of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Heidi Klum’s Old Mom Ass in a Bikini of the DAy