Tag Archives: making-it-worth

Lacey Banghard in Some NUTS Outtakes of the Day

Lacey Banghard has a seriously hard face…rugged like a stripper who managed to escape the sex trade and life as a coked up prostitute by becoming a low level, but big breasted titty model…featured in all the UK magazines, possibly because she works at a discount, or maybe, just maybe cuz her tits are retarded…I mean there’s only so much conversation this gratuitous shit can stir up, it’s tits, I like tits, that’s all there is to it….if we’re looking for a moral in the story like this was a 90s sitcom…it’s girls…if you got tits…use them…they will make you famous…even if you’re not hot….all you need is tits…

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Lacey Banghard in Some NUTS Outtakes of the Day

Michelle Rodriguez Promo Still for Fast and the Furious 6 of the Day

The Fast and the Furious 6 exists….and these are the promo pics…as far as I’m concerned that’s a joke in and of itself….. I don’t know what is more alarming…the fact that the producers are putting millions of dollars into such shit movies…or the fact that people are watching these movies making it worth their while to bother with the shit… Maybe I just don’t get the subculture of modifying cars and watching 50 year old bald dudes drive them….while lesbians change their oil…. Either way, it’s funny.

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Michelle Rodriguez Promo Still for Fast and the Furious 6 of the Day