Tag Archives: marlinde-wilson

Liar, Liar: This Woman May Not Have Won The Mega Millions After All!

Woman Lies About Winning Mega Millions A lie’s a lie no matter who tells it. The wacky Baltimore woman who claims to have one of three winning Mega Millions tickets now says it’s hidden somewhere in the McDonald’s restaurant where she works. Marlinde Wilson, 37, coyly wouldn’t reveal whether she HAD stashed the slip of paper behind the McFlurry machine or under the all-beef patties. And she’s apparently not worried about the Hamburglar — or any of the employees who say she’s trying to stiff them out of a pool jackpot — making off with her one-third share of the record $656 million multistate payout. “I’m waiting for things to calm down so I can go back to McDonald’s and get it. The people [at McDonald’s] are too excited. I want their heads to cool down before I go back,” she said. “That’s impossible. She didn’t come back here” after she purchased the ticket, Layla said. Another employee suspects Wilson stole a page from arch-rival Burger King and cooked up a whopper. “I don’t believe her. I didn’t believe her from the beginning, she’s always been strange,” the woman said. “She’s an attention seeker. She likes to have all the attention on herself.” All of this sounds Filet O’ Fishy, don’t you think? This woman is probably telling a $300 million lie and she’ll get caught and embarrassed in no time. Sit her down somewhere. Source More On Bossip! Itty Bitty Waists: These Ladies’ Cakes Look Even Bigger Because Their Waists Are So Tiny/span> Must Be The Money: The Most Regretful Celebrity Advertisements Of All Time Shady Swirl Hookup Gone Horribly Wrong: Ashton Kutcher Is Beefin’ With RihRih Because She Let The Paps Catch Her Creepin’! Video Emerges Saying Beyonce’s “Blue Ivy Is A Doll And Isn’t Real” And Footage Of Her Being Swarmed By Paps! [Video]

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Liar, Liar: This Woman May Not Have Won The Mega Millions After All!