Tag Archives: matlock

#SOTU Recap: SSDD (Or, Something Sounded Familiar)


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Listening to Barack Obama’s State of the Union Speech last night was like listening to just about every one of his SOTU speeches… Actually, with the exception of Obama’s promise to sign a law making Congressional insider trading illegal [Martha Stewart may have some resort recommendations for Nancy Pelosi], listening to Obama’s SOTU really was listening to his other speeches, as this RNC video points… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Red State Discovery Date : 25/01/2012 05:13 Number of articles : 4

#SOTU Recap: SSDD (Or, Something Sounded Familiar)

This should lock up the Matlock vote


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Snoozy has-been Fred Thompson was supposed to cut an endorsement vid for his pal Newt Gingrich. But as Fred did so often during his short-lived campaign for the GOP presidential nomination, he plopped down in his recliner with a glass of scotch and was soon swept away by the sandman. The Gingrich people called about Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Balloon Juice Discovery Date : 25/01/2012 13:28 Number of articles : 2

This should lock up the Matlock vote