Tag Archives: matter-the-most

Have You Ever Been Guilty Of Facebook Jealousy???

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Have You Ever Been Guilty Of Facebook Jealousy???

10 Soft Songs By Rough Rappers

Every once in a while, one of your favorite rap or hip hop artists will take a departure from the usual verses of violence, wealth and random sexual encounters and a spit a rhyme about something a little closer to heart. Maybe it’s a tribute to the lady he wants to give his last name or the woman who gave him his first name, and on some occasions you’ll get a look into the love they have for their children or the passion they have for what they do. Whatever the subject may be it’s always refreshing to see a rap artist recite lyrics about the people that matter the most to them, because honestly, most fans can’t relate to shiny red Ferraris and champagne diets, but we can relate to true emotion and at the end of the day, that’s what we respect the most about them. Check out 10 classic softer songs performed by a few rough rappers at MadameNoire.com

10 Soft Songs By Rough Rappers