Tag Archives: melissa & joey

Who ‘Won’ the Melissa & Joey Premiere: Melissa Joan Hart or Joey Lawrence?

Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence, two important figureheads of the teenybopped ’90s, have united to give us Melissa & Joey , an ABC Family series that looks like a “TGIF” effort from exactly 1997. Let’s review last night’s pilot episode, size up both actors’ sitcom skills, and declare one of these two Tiger Beat phenoms this week’s victor.

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Who ‘Won’ the Melissa & Joey Premiere: Melissa Joan Hart or Joey Lawrence?

What’s On: Clarissa Executive Produces It All

Will Melissa & Joey become the new Hot in Cleveland ? Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence co-executive produce and star in a new ABC Family series that harkens back to the appeal of ’80s and ’90s sitcoms, much like TV Land’s Valerie Bertinelli/Betty White venture. Say “Whoa” with us as we check out tonight’s viewing options.

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What’s On: Clarissa Executive Produces It All