Tag Archives: members-sees

Elsewhere In The World: Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe Falls & Sparks Hilarious #MugabeFalls Memes

I wonder who will come up with the #MugabeDance first. I bet on Ivorians tho… #MugabeFalls pic.twitter.com/mEuwrgKFw3 — FADY (@Akeelah_) February 5, 2015 #MugabeFalls Memes On Wednesday Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe took a very public tumble that was caught on camera. I guess this is not the “fall of Mugabe” that the world was waiting for, but we’ll take it! #MugabeFalls pic.twitter.com/FHWUJKww7C — Trevor Noah (@Trevornoah) February 5, 2015 And while the dictator has since asked that the photos be deleted, Twitter got a hold of them and hilariously spurned them into memes via the #MugabeFalls and #Mugabeing hash tags. When you are having fun in town and one of your church members sees you