Tag Archives: metro-division

Pulling Out: Most Dangerous City In America To Give Police Department The Boot

Everybody knows the pull out method doesn’t work… Camden, NJ To Lose Police Department To Budget Cuts Although recent studies and reports claim otherwise , Camden, NJ is still often considered the most dangerous city in America…..and now they’re about to lose their police department. Crime-ridden Camden, New Jersey – often referred to as the most dangerous city in the United States—is getting rid of its police department. In the latest example of a cash-strapped municipality taking drastic measures to deal with swollen public sector liabilities and shrinking budgets, the city plans to disband its 460-member police department and replace it with a non-union “Metro Division” of the Camden County Police. Backers of the plan say it will save millions of dollars for taxpayers while ensuring public safety, but police unions say it is simply a way to get out of collective bargaining with the men and women in blue. “This is definitely a form of union-busting,” Camden Fraternal Order of Police President John Williamson told FoxNews.com. “This method is unproven and untested, to put your faith in an agency that doesn’t even [yet] exist.” “The county’s resources would be sent to problem areas like [the city of] Camden, taking away from the patrolling of other towns in the county,” Eisenhardt said. “There is a crisis, but this is not the solution. “It’s a disaster waiting to happen.” Hopefully they can find a better solution because this one sounds a little suspect. Especially when things like this are happening … Source

Pulling Out: Most Dangerous City In America To Give Police Department The Boot