Tag Archives: mile-long-rap

Teen Mom Mugshot Mayhem: Who’s Been Arrested?

Obviously, there are plenty of very good, upstanding citizens who happen to become mothers when they're young. There are even Teen Mom stars who are great moms and stellar people in general. But unfortunately, the same life circumstances that cause some teens to become moms also change their lives in other ways. Maybe that is why so many Teen Mom stars have mile-long rap sheets. This goes for the mothers, the baby daddies, and even the (grand)parents. Buckle up, because looking at these criminal histories is a ride. 1. Jo Rivera Isaac’s dad was arrested in 2011 for marijuana possession. 2. Devoin Austin Nova’s dad has multiple arrests, almost all of them are for or related to marijuana. 3. Some of Devoin’s arrests are for other things One was for breaking and entering, another was for possession of a controlled substance. 4. But mostly just for marijuana. A lot of his arrests are from 2013, but this mugshot comes from 2017. Pot doesn’t usually ruin lives, but arrests over it absolutely can. 5. Amber Portwood Amber was arrested in 2010 on multiple counts of domestic violence towards her ex, Gary Shirley. 6. She took a plea deal Amber got probation, which was a win for her … but it did not last. View Slideshow

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Teen Mom Mugshot Mayhem: Who’s Been Arrested?