Tag Archives: milked-as-long

Kanye and His Whore Overcompensating of the Day

I guess it was time for Kanye to make an appearance with a girl to keep up the lie that he’s not a fag. So he chose the most obnoxious bikini he could find, you know one that he’s seen in the stripclubs the last time he had to pretend he was straight, or maybe he saw it in one of the porn mags one of his homies stole from the convenience store when they were 16 and back Kanye when Kanye realized he liked shopping better than pussy. I’m not really complaining though, she’s got a hefty booty and shit is pretty fuckin alright to look at, even if I see the gold diggin’ in her eyes, you can’t hate a bitch for riding the opportunity wave and milkin some insecure dude who is willing to be milked as long as she doesn’t try to put her hand on his dick cuz he’d find that gross….

Kanye and His Whore Overcompensating of the Day