Tag Archives: monday-on-fox

Salad Expert Asks TV Host If He Wants His Butthole Licked

Kelly Schafer is the owner of 7 Greens Detroit Salad Company, a company that specializes in healthy eating. She appeared Monday on Fox 2 Detroit in order to show viewers how to spice up their greens for National Salad Month. Yes, May is National Salad Month. We'll forgive you if you didn't know that previously. We'll also forgive you if you forget it as soon as you watch the following video. Because Schafer somewhat distracts folks from her cause upon asking an unexpected question of co-host Jason Carr, who wanders over to Carr and co-host Deena Centofanti toward the end of their segment. “Everybody loves a yoga girl, right, Jason?” Schafer says immediately to a confused Carr. “That's right,” Carr replies… because what else is he going to say on live television? From there, Carr figured it was the right time to ask a very personal question: “Now I know you want me to toss your salad too, don't you?” WHOA THERE! TMI ALERT! Also: What?!? Where did that come from? Centofanti tried to change the topic, only for Carr to quip that her joke “never gets old.” We're pretty sure it does, though. If you're on a program to promote healthy eating, you might want to avoid any talk about other people's buttholes. That's just our opinion. Watch the very awkward exchange for yourself:

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Salad Expert Asks TV Host If He Wants His Butthole Licked