Panic Bear is terrified of lions, so this zoo in Japan decided to throw a cub into his pen just to see what happens. Note the incredibly slow reaction time once he notices the lion cub.
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Panic Bear
Panic Bear is terrified of lions, so this zoo in Japan decided to throw a cub into his pen just to see what happens. Note the incredibly slow reaction time once he notices the lion cub.
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Panic Bear
Posted in Celebrities
Tagged genre-known, his-pen, japan, laughing, monocle-gesture, note-the-incredibly, panic-bear, pretentious, Toilet
STYLE BUZZ : Here is a hand sign to use against your pretentious friends and acquaintances. We learned about this at the BuzzFeed lunch table today during a conversation about blueberry soup.
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The Monocle Gesture
Posted in Celebrities
Tagged crabcore, genre-known, giant-fork, laughing, monocle-gesture, postal, pretentious, screamo, Toilet