Tag Archives: more-maintained

Vanessa Hudgens Does Cameltoe of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens recently had nude pics leak. I figure you can probably still find them, even though her legal team, who happen to be good friends of mine, are on a mission to get them down, because I guess she doesn’t want them out there, even though they are already out there, and the best strategy in any situation is to deny til you die. Especially when you look good in the fucking thing, and your 5 O’Clock shadow is more maintained than your first lazy nudes when she was 17 and just learning, back when nudes were a new thing and not staged properly, before any implants were bought… It’s like she’s an actor and getting nude is and will be part of her job if she takes on any serious role, and as long s she denies the pics of her – the nerds will be scrambling to prove they are her. The lawyers just take the fun out of that…but I guess they all need to get paid…. That said, it’s almost pointless to fight the nudes when you leave the house with your pants jacked up your vagina so far I can see her soul…I mean why even wear pants when it’s all right there…this Vanessa Hudgens is so Confusing… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Vanessa Hudgens Does Cameltoe of the Day