Tag Archives: more-struggly

Jesus Take The Mic: Joseline Fires Shots At Rihanna, Nicki Minaj & Beyonce During Struggly Studio Session [Video]

Joseline may very well have just spit the absolute WORST rap bars ever in life…. Joseline Hernandez Insults Rihanna, Nicki Minaj And Beyonce The current  Love & Hip Hop ATL season is coming to a close soon , so you know the show’s leading wild woman Joseline Hernandez will be pulling out all of the stops to make a memorable impression & keep herself relevant during the off season within the next few weeks. These clips of Mrs. Steebie J in the studio recently hit the internet and, well……it doesn’t get much more struggly than this, folks. SMH. Joseline has since responded to the endless slander that continues as the footage makes social media rounds. Hit the flip to hear what she had to say, along with the rest of this hot garbage  rap session courtesy of the self-proclaimed Puerto Rican Princess.

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Jesus Take The Mic: Joseline Fires Shots At Rihanna, Nicki Minaj & Beyonce During Struggly Studio Session [Video]