Tag Archives: most-divisive

Dirty Game: “White Substance” Found At Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Headquarters Leads To Evacuation

Hillary Clinton Campaign Headquarters Evacuated After White Substance Found This Presidential election has been one of, if not THE, most divisive in American History. The unprecedented rhetoric of Donald Trump has riled up the craziest, most insane, angriest ends of society so it would comes as no surprise that some psycho would employ terroristic scare tactics. According to Reuters , an envelope with a then unknown white substance was sent in the mail to the Hillary Clinton campaign headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. An analysis of the substance has shown that it is not harmful or poisonous but the NYPD says more tests are being done to determine exactly what it is and who sent it. Is this part of the “rigging” that The Orange One keeps referring to? Image via YouTube

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Dirty Game: “White Substance” Found At Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Headquarters Leads To Evacuation