Tag Archives: most-overrated

Anne Hathaway’s Creepy Butt Shot at the Gym of the Day

I find it interesting that the general public talks tons of shit of Anne Hathaway. They act like they hate her. I see more negative content about her than anything – and that’s in the mainstream media. I don’t know why people fucking hate this bitch. Sure she didn’t deserve the Oscar..but does she deserve the bullying…the answer is yes…because she keeps getting work, she keeps getting paid, she keeps making tons of fucking money, despite the world hating her….and that’s compensation for our abuse towards her… While we ponder that…here’s some creepy butt shots of her from the paparazzi shooting through some crack – like old time, creatively captured, paparazzi pics…the way it was meant to be…none of that staged shit… She’s in leggings. Looks ok to me….even if she’s the worst.. The post Anne Hathaway’s Creepy Butt Shot at the Gym of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anne Hathaway’s Creepy Butt Shot at the Gym of the Day

Sofia Vergara’s Face Rash Erotica of the Day

I like the hashtags that Sofia Vergara posted along with her face rash: #thatswhatIgetforshootingintheraininRome #iwouldntmakeitpast2daysonNakedandAfraid Well, I know Anasatasia Ashley lasted 6 days….because she’s the only girl who talks to me… Where are other girls, like this Sofia Vergara who has a fascinating story thanks to being a single mom who snuck into the country as an illegal, only to sort out her work visas, however she pulled that off, I am assuming her big tits had a big part of it, and have a big part of why the hicks who watch her on TV, don’t protest outside her house to have her deported – because America likes some illegals…turned legal…even more than they like their own born in America ethnics..because of the tits…. Either way, not the hottest nude on instagram today, but the most overrated actress so…it must balance it out … The post Sofia Vergara’s Face Rash Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sofia Vergara’s Face Rash Erotica of the Day

Lady Gaga Thong Ass of the Day

Lady Gaga is on an Asian tour…and like any try hard with a budget…she decided to hire the most overrated…despite retaining his cool factor…because people are idiots…photographer Terry Richardson…and he’s gone soft and instead of pushing the limit making her fist herself on camera and shit…he’s snapped some pics of her in a thong….showing off an ass I’ve grabbed before she was as famous as she is…..and I guess some other half nakedness you probably would rather not see….but I’m posting anyway cuz I don’t care what you want, coupled with having no quality control, coupled with we’re in too deep….we’re all gonna die….and Gaga’s ass just brings that point home…gotta keep shit miserable.

Lady Gaga Thong Ass of the Day