Tag Archives: most-tormented

First Skyfall Teaser: Bond. Bleak Bond.

Get excited for the first teaser for Skyfall, which steps beyond gay-travel-brochure stylings , Heineken gambits , and Photoshop banalities into a more conventional realm of 007 viral marketing. To wit: Daniel Craig, working his wounded, blue-eyed magic as the world’s most tormented superspy. Things are getting dark around here! Which doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun — at least visually , right? Needs more Javier Bardem , but hey. The table — and the mood — are set by director Sam Mendes, who knows from crippling emo despondency . ” Skyfall ? Skyfall ?” “Done.” Not soon enough, alas: The film arrives in theaters Nov. 9. Follow S.T. VanAirsdale on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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First Skyfall Teaser: Bond. Bleak Bond.