Tag Archives: mother-michelle

Duggar Christmas Card Revealed: They Somehow Fit the Whole Family in One Photo!

We think it’s safe to say the Duggars are in the Christmas spirit. Earlier today, Jessa’s husband Ben Seewald crooned some holiday classics on Instagram, and now they’re offering season’s greetings to all their fans with a Christmas card featuring the entire population of Cincinnati: We kid! It’s just the Duggar clan – continuing to defy the laws of physics and photography as they cram more and more humans into the shot with each passing year. In 2014, the already sizable clan welcomed two new additions in the form Singin’ Seewald and Derek Dillard, and naturally they’ve got more on the way: Jill Duggar’s baby bump is featured in the pic, and it was announced last week that Anna Duggar is pregnant with her fourth child . They’re gonna have to start snapping the pic from space if this family keeps growing. As you might have guessed, Christmas is a big time of year for the Duggars and Mother Michelle explained how the family celebrates in a blog post she wrote last year: “It’s a huge celebration…we make it a really big deal,” Michelle wrote. “It’s a big birthday party for Jesus. We make banners and put them them all around the house…I think we do it a bit different in our family.” Yeah, we think that’s safe to say. As for the  fun secular parts of the holiday? Well, even the Duggars have time for Kris Kringle…kinda: “We explained to the children who Santa Claus was historically but focused on his good deeds and ministering to children.” Hey, whatever works. If we were buying presents for that many kids, we wouldn’t want to give some mythical fat man all the credit, either! Watch 19 Kids and counting online to see how the holidays are done Duggar style!

See the article here:
Duggar Christmas Card Revealed: They Somehow Fit the Whole Family in One Photo!