Tag Archives: mother-punches

42-Year-Old Woman Popped For Molesting Child She Was Babysitting, But Not Before His Pissed Mama Knocked Her A$$ Out!!!!

See what happens when you try to help people these days! A 42-year-old woman is under arrest after allegedly molesting a young boy she was supposed to be caring for till his Mother returned home. The family of the young boy thought they were helping Michelle Lester by giving her a place to stay and Tuesday afternoon the boy’s Mother asked Lester to look after her son when he got home from school. When the boy’s Mother returned home police say a friend told her that something may have happened to her child while she was away. She confronted Lester and we’re told Lester did make some admissions. Police tell Action News that the young victim’s Mother was so upset that she punched Lester. Investigators with Warren Police say Lester allegedly took off the boys pants and fondled him after he got home from school. Lester was arrested and has been charged with one count of Second Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct. She’s being held on a $10,000 bond. SMH. That broad deserved more than a punch to the face. Real talk! Source

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42-Year-Old Woman Popped For Molesting Child She Was Babysitting, But Not Before His Pissed Mama Knocked Her A$$ Out!!!!