Tag Archives: must-refrain

PETA to Honey Boo Boo: Don’t Eat Chicken!

Honey Boo Boo is the proud new owner of a pet chicken named Nugget . But PETA wants to make sure the seven-year old beauty queen understands: Nugget is only meant to serve as a pet, not a meal. “As I’m sure you are learning from your chicken, chickens are smart, interesting animals with personalities of their own,” reads a letter written by PETA rep Michelle Cho and posted by E! News. The organization goes on to outline how well chickens do math and have good memories, making a few suggestions to young Alana Thompson in the process. Maybe she ought to change the animal’s name to “Not a Nugget” in order to “let your fans know that they should be nice to chickens by not eating them.” But that doesn’t mean Honey Boo Boo and her backwards family must refrain from eating chicken nuggets altogether; PETA is sending them a sampling of veggie-nuggets. Sounds…. yummy? In other PETA news, did you know that going vegan can increase your sexual stamina ?

Read the original here:
PETA to Honey Boo Boo: Don’t Eat Chicken!