Tag Archives: mystery-prizes

TMZ’s Spring Break Snapshots Contest — Woooo!

Filed under: Photo Galleries The Spring Break snapshots lined up like we were passing out jello-shots — please enjoy responsibly!Be sure to check back on Monday to vote for which party pic should score the $250 prize and some super secret mystery prizes from TMZ! **CLICK HERE … Permalink

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TMZ’s Spring Break Snapshots Contest — Woooo!

TMZ’s Wack-O Jack-O-Lantern Contest — Final 5!

TMZ’s Wack-O Jack-O-Lantern Contest has been narrowed down to these final five — and now we need your help deciding which of these pumpkin pics will land the $250 prize and some super secret TMZ mystery prizes! **CLICK HERE for contest rules and … Permalink

Here is the original post:
TMZ’s Wack-O Jack-O-Lantern Contest — Final 5!