Tag Archives: nature-instead

Furious son stabs mom over cheeseburger!

A Toledo mother was stabbed with a butcher knife by her teenage son after he became furious that she didn’t bring him a cheeseburger. According to reports, Vergie Williams was attacked by her son around 1 a.m. on Friday. She says she gave her 18-year-old son Aaron Williams money for food earlier in the day, but he spent it on marijuana instead. And when he got “the munchies” by the time she returned, he flew into a rage when he saw that she had bought food for herself. “He said ‘If you don’t have no food for me, then you can’t eat none,’ then he slapped the sandwich out my hand,” the victim told WUPW Fox Toledo. That’s when he pulled out a butcher knife and stabbed her in the arm. Without missing a beat, the victim pulled out a knife of her own and stabbed her son on the hand–and he fled. The defendant is in police custody and is facing felony assault charges for allegedly. Incredibly, he called his mother to ask her to post his bail, but she says she doesn’t plan to communicate with him again. http://www.tabloidprodigy.com/?p=14464 added by: knowandtell

The Zeitgeist Movement Update

This is the fastest growing global social movement in history. We advocate a resource based economy with the use of science,technology and nature instead of politics,money and war. All working for common good for all human beings without social stratification. There are currently over 400,000 registered members. added by: czar3030