Tag Archives: needs-something

Pam Anderson Frees the Birds in White Shorts of the Day

Pamela Anderson is brave. Not only does she still have the confidence to leave her house despite the world knowing she’s nothing but a dirty, diseased whore…Not only does she get herself on bottom feeding TV shows and goes to events and still lives in California trying to get work…..but she also still wears little white shorts like her cervix doesn’t dircharge horrible colored and smelling muscus that stains fucking white pants….like any girl who happened to get her period in a pair of white pants…it’s horrifying…and the only justification for this is that when she got her latest set of implants, she got her vagina sewed the fuck up or maybe she’s just got a few pairs of waterproof panties or that she’s shoved a role of gauze up there to prevent and Mexican Oil Spill caliber leaks…. Here she is doing some bullshit for PETA saving a bird cuz she’s vegan and needs something she thinks is important to associate herself with….cuz being a part of something make you feel less alone even if they are just using her for her celebrity…. Pics via Fame

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Pam Anderson Frees the Birds in White Shorts of the Day