Tag Archives: network-holds

Cat Eating "Cereal"


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(YouTube link) Queso the cat would rather have gooshy food but is given dry food and water, so he makes cold cereal. Or maybe you could say he prefers his kibble au jus. -via Buzzfeed Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Neatorama Discovery Date : 22/09/2011 19:24 Number of articles : 2

Cat Eating "Cereal"

Facebook announces Lifestyle Apps for media, movies, cooking and more


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All eyes on are Facebook today as the social network holds its 4th F8 conference. We’ve already seen some massive changes this past week including a new subscribe model similar to Twitter, smarter friend lists, new status updates and Google+ style photo layouts. Also, where’s the poke button? For the last 7 years, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, has attracted 800 million people Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Next Web Discovery Date : 22/09/2011 20:00 Number of articles : 3

Facebook announces Lifestyle Apps for media, movies, cooking and more