Tag Archives: never-verified

Pure Comedy: The “Trey Smith” Who Shut Down Will & Jada Break-Up Rumors On Twitter Is A Phony

This Will and Jada break-up situation gets more suspect by the second. Remember this tweet that had people singing hymns and dancing in the street on Tuesday in the midst of all of the panic? Well… Someone was posing as Will Smith’s son Trey on Twitter! The account, @theofficialtrey, was being updated all week with tweets regarding Will and Jada Pinkett Smith’s relationship drama. The imposter insisted that everything was fine behind the scenes. But the account, which was never verified, has been suspended! The couple’s other children, Jaden and Willow, were also not followers of that account on Twitter. Hmmmm… Source

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Pure Comedy: The “Trey Smith” Who Shut Down Will & Jada Break-Up Rumors On Twitter Is A Phony