Tag Archives: nightly-effort

Anderson Cooper Puts PBS on His ‘Ridicu-List’

CNN would like to portray itself as the serious, no-gimmicks news network. So why would Anderson Cooper feel the need to copycat Keith Olbermann and come up with a editorializing feature called the “Ridicu-List”? On Tuesday night, he called out PBS for editing out Tina Fey's less-than-classy jokes about conservative women being great for women, unless you need a rape kit, or are lesbian, or believe in evolution. Cooper obviously believes in taxpayer-funded conservative-bashing: COOPER: So we started a new segment on the program this week, a nightly effort to point out hypocrisy, double talk, stuff that just is downright ridiculous. We call it the RidicuList. So who's on the list tonight? Well, it's the TV network PBS for their claims about why they edited Tina Fey. read more

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Anderson Cooper Puts PBS on His ‘Ridicu-List’