Tag Archives: nightmare-come

Have You Heard the Sandra Bullock Hitler Poopstache Butt Sex Tape Rumor, Yet? [Anatomy Of A Rumor]

Have you heard the dirtiest, nastiest, Naziest rumor about Sandra Bullock and Jesse James ? It involves anal sex, the barrel of a shotgun, a Hitler poop-stache, and a video camera. It’s a Freudian nightmare come to life. It’s a myth. More

Have You Heard the Sandra Bullock Hitler Poopstache Sex Tape Rumor, Yet? [Anatomy Of A Rumor]

Have you heard the dirtiest, nastiest, Naziest rumor about Sandra Bullock and Jesse James ? It involves anal sex, the barrel of a shotgun, a Hitler poop-stache, and a video camera. It’s a Freudian nightmare come to life. It’s a myth. More