Tag Archives: not-apologizing

Shots Fired: Dres Of Black Sheep Calls Yeezy “The Most Powerful Gay Man In The World” And Kimmy Cakes The World’s BIGGEST Media Slore!

Hi hater ! Dres From Black Sheep Calls Kanye West A Powerful Gay Man In a recent interview with The New York Times , Kanye West compared himself to the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs, among other famous and influential people. Dres of 90′s group Black Sheep also made a comparison between the rapper and Jobs, but wasn’t as nice… “Kanye… like Steve Jobs… is one of the most powerful gay men in the world…. God Bless Him,” Dres deleted the tweet but continued: “oh… he’s not out yet…. my bad…. lmao,” before adding, “cmon y’all… i’m playin…. Steve Jobs wasn’t gay….” Dres later apologized, saying he didn’t mean for his tweets to be homophobic but not apologizing to Yeezy: But Dres is just warming up! The washed up rapper hopped back onto Twitter to talk more isht about Kanye and even his future baby mama Kim Kardashian … Hit the flip to catch the rest of Dres’ rant about Kanye next! Continue reading

Guy Who Ruined Travolta Trial — My Bad!

Filed under: John Travolta Picewell Forbes is really sorry he screwed up the John Travolta extortion trial — but he’s not apologizing to the Travoltas.Forbes blurted out “Pleasant Bridgewater is a free woman!!!” during a convention last week, forcing the judge in the case to …

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Guy Who Ruined Travolta Trial — My Bad!